Pediatric & Adolescent Therapy

  • Infant lies on cushion while mother and Dr. Davi observe.

    Plagiocephaly and Torticollis

    With advancements in methods of delivery and the implementation of the back to sleep method, plagiocephaly and torticollis have become increasingly prevalent for children in infancy. Dr. Davi has years of experience in treating neck stiffness and preferences in movement along with the associated head shape issues. The earlier treatment is started, the more successful it can be and the more likely we are to avoid the need for cranial orthotics.

  • Infant lies on cushion while mother and Dr. Davi observe movement.

    Gross Motor Development

    While some children will check off their gross motor milestones without any issue, others may need a nudge in the right direction. Through adjustments to childcare and playtime, we can help your child catch up to their same age peers in rolling, sitting, crawling and walking.

  • Dr. Davi guides a young person in a physical therapy exercise with weights.

    Adolescent Training

    When sports turn from a fun activity to a serious commitment, accessory training can help your child develop into a more well-rounded athlete. Dr. Davi has experience in many sports and can evaluate your child to identify weaknesses and create a program to help them excel in whatever field they choose.